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Salesforce: Leverages Material to Market the Cloud

September 13, 2012

According to Kieran Flanagan, inbound marketing supervisor for, “The new B2B purchase voyage is search-initiated, social powered, and buyer-controlled.” In fact, his take on the 80/20 rule is that for social success, it’s even more like 90/10. That indicates 90 % of your material marketing should be about consumers and only 10 % about your products. As the minds behind the Salesforce technique, Flanagan’s job is “to produce transformational advertising that entices website visitors naturally with mediums like search engines, the blogosphere, and social media.”

The Salesforce method has had the ability to create leads by structure– and effectively promoting, through numerous channels– a “content-rich micro-site” valued by the target market. Flanagan decided to make use of four different material types: created (initial content produced from scratch), curated (round-up design content), collective (content contributed by relevant thought leaders) and legacy (re-purposed and repackaged content).

The outcome? In the course of the first month after execution, the company saw the subsequent gains: January traffic was up 80 % when compared with January of the previous year. Social network traffic was up 2,500 %, there were 6,500 newsletter signups, and 10,000 ebook downloads. This successfully translated to 10,000 leads.

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