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Google To Unveil Android 4.2

On october 29, Google is going to unveil their new devices and a software update according to a company video leaked out from all-hands meeting.

The Next Web is reporting that Google has distributed a video internally which contains all information about new devices and updates. From the video, it is clear that Google is going to launch a new Nexus 7  Tablet with 32GB Memory storage and 3G support. It is also clear that Google is working with Samsung and LG to release Nexus 10 which will run Android 4.2 and a Nexus smartphone.

The news has come at such moments when Microsoft has declared to launch their windows 8 mobile on October 29 and Apple has declared to release their rumored 7.85 inch iPad on October 23.

GE: Focuses on Experts, Genius and Advancement

When GE changed its marketing in 2011, a lot of its effort focused on numerous willpowers that today would be considered crucial parts of inbound marketing. These included approach and innovation, branding and communications, value production and rates.

One crucial strategy the company accepted in its new advertising mix was the practice of highlighting its professionals and the important function they play in delivering GE items to market. Presently, the company is strengthening that focus by including links to its experts’ Twitter profiles on the GE homepage under the heading “Fulfill the People Who Make GE Work.”

For the past year, the business has additionally sponsored an on-line journal called Txchnologist, which it explains on its About United states web page as offering “an optimistic, but not utopian, tackle the future and mankind’s capability to take on the excellent obstacles of our era with industry, technology and brilliance.”

The company additionally uploads periodic videotaped interviews with its experts, via the Txchnologist YouTube channel. Once again, this is meant to reinforce the specialist aspect, although its video clips do not appear to be uploaded frequently enough to play as significant a role in its inbound advertising technique as Dell’s do.

Dell: Takes a Multi-Layered Approach

Founded in 1984, Dell has become a force to be reckoned with in the home computer sales market, and it has done so, in large component, with savvy inbound advertising practices. While its advertising technique has actually always been multilayered, the pc titan has constantly encouraged consumer comments and involvement in its item development. Today it is not only revealing brand-new items on its Facebook web page and engaging fans by asking questions and promoting them to click “like” on its posts, it’s additionally resolving their demand for knowledge through a blog, newsletter and a glossy magazine.

The company is additionally maximizing the video presentation medium by featuring an expanding collection of video recordings on its Facebook web page, tweeting about them on Twitter and promoting them on other social media.

Dell is also leveraging mobile modern technology to bring in higher reaction to its marketing emails. By including the mobile factor to its common desktop computer advertising email and making substantial modifications to its mobile email version, Dell handled to garner an excellent five-fold rise in downloads of the application the day the e-mails went out.

Cisco: Concentrates on the Cloud and Mobile

After a rough few years, Cisco is handling a turnaround that, according to Shaw Woo, senior technology expert at Sterne Agee, is under-appreciated.

In an August 16th CNBC interview, Woo stated that the network equipment vendor’s turnaround was achieved by “benefiting from the cloud [and] using mobile.” Cisco’s CEO, John Chambers, is stated to have set a precedent by altering the company’s strategy. He lowered the expense framework, making the company more competitive. He additionally made it more “shareholder-friendly” by committing to return at least half of the business’s profits to shareholders.

In that same spirit, the business is releasing a collection of My Networked Life video documentaries, a series it bills as “real stories from a connected world.” The video presentations, released on the Cisco web site and advertised with its social networks pages, inform the “personal” and “powerful” stories of “just how young professionals, business owners, artists, and children are utilizing connected modern technology to attain goals and realize dreams.” This is merely another way the company is reinforcing its “human” image.

The business also made a calculated switch from typical advertising to brand journalism, which is assisting consumers picture the prospective enhancements Cisco’s services and products can easily bring to their lives.

Salesforce: Leverages Material to Market the Cloud

According to Kieran Flanagan, inbound marketing supervisor for, “The new B2B purchase voyage is search-initiated, social powered, and buyer-controlled.” In fact, his take on the 80/20 rule is that for social success, it’s even more like 90/10. That indicates 90 % of your material marketing should be about consumers and only 10 % about your products. As the minds behind the Salesforce technique, Flanagan’s job is “to produce transformational advertising that entices website visitors naturally with mediums like search engines, the blogosphere, and social media.”

The Salesforce method has had the ability to create leads by structure– and effectively promoting, through numerous channels– a “content-rich micro-site” valued by the target market. Flanagan decided to make use of four different material types: created (initial content produced from scratch), curated (round-up design content), collective (content contributed by relevant thought leaders) and legacy (re-purposed and repackaged content).

The outcome? In the course of the first month after execution, the company saw the subsequent gains: January traffic was up 80 % when compared with January of the previous year. Social network traffic was up 2,500 %, there were 6,500 newsletter signups, and 10,000 ebook downloads. This successfully translated to 10,000 leads.

eBay Exposes New Company Logo


Internet 1.0 mainstay eBay has unveiled a brand-new company logo design, abandoning the floating letters for a more typical, straightforward font, but with the very same color design.

In a note on its site, eBay president Devin Wenig states the brand-new logo is part of its effort to transform the 17-year-old brand name and create a new eBay. Wenig says the website today offers a “cleaner” and “more consistent” experience than before and that the crisp letters in the logo reflect that. Maintaining the colour palette was very important, nonetheless, because they represent eBay’s “connected and diverse” community of purchasers and sellers, he wrote.

“The eBay logo is understood the world over, so changing it was not a choice made gently,” the note reads. “The time felt. We’re surprisingly proud of just how eBay begun and quickly grew into the world’s biggest online marketplace. Auction-style listings, utilized products, classical products and weird, one-of-a-kind finds are still a big part of just what makes buying and selling on eBay special. We hope that’s always true. But we have actually progressed a ton in the past couple of years, and eBay is much more than auction-style listings today.”

eBay picked the font Univers Extended for the company logo, states Dianna McDougall, a New York-based designer. Although the font is relatively open, the letters are squeezed tightly together. The choice of a straightforward font is reminiscent of Microsoft’s new company logo, which the business disclosed in August.

Wenig tipped some changes concerning the site, saying the website would come to be more tailored, with even more local and international features. Wenig also appears to have fully embraced eBay’s shift from an auction site to a store, pointing out that most products are sold on eBay with the “Buy It Now!” choice as opposed to auctions.

He also restated some details from eBay’s newest profits report– that the business’s mobile apps had been downloaded 100 million times, and it anticipates $ 10 billion in volume transacted over mobile in 2012.

The new logo design will formally roll out in October (the site’s front page still features the old logo design). Visitors to the website must expect to see it then, and eBay states it will certainly be introducing a marketing and advertising campaign at the same time.

Just what do you consider eBay’s new look and purpose? Share your impressions in the remarks.